Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mother Nature Knows Things

Well, if I couldn't split town yesterday because of ice, I am definitely not leaving today because of the heavy downpour happening right now.

What is it about the rain that makes you tired and lazy? Does is contain triptophan, like in turkey or what?

It didn't rain yesterday, so I have no excuse why I couldn't finish my room. I spent all day on earning badges, playing games, and winning tokens I cannot spend. If you haven't heard of Pogo, beware, it's highly addictive. I'm upset with myself that I knew I could've played the games later, but when you don't have any commitments, what do you do?

Plus, I was not feeling well yesterday either.

Today is a new day. I shall try to take it on with all I got.

The Christmas tree is up, and I am going to do whatever I can to not have to decorate. It's the kind where you have to put every single branch in. This was highly irritating, since those fake branches raked off my cuticle causing me to bleed heavily. Evil tree.

Well, Happy Thursday to all! The highlight for my day is knowing I can watch Private Practice followed by Grey's Anatomy. Whoopee! Id this what adulthood is all about? Waiting for 7 or 8 o'clock to watch tv?

In some other news, I found a neat little gizmo on Microsoft Word that counts letters, characters and words. So far my 'novel'has roughly 19,000 words and 45 pages since last Thursday. I am quite proud of my self. I am keeping the wheels turning in my head for ideas and plots and such. It's quite exhilarating to read your own words and actually like them.

SO, I am off to do the personal hygiene thing now, and this time, some cleaning before I head out to St. Louis on Saturday.

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