So, I have safely decided that a trip to STL tomorrow would not be good, since there is ice everywhere. I will most likely depart Thursday afternoon. This really doesn't hurt my feelings, since I have work to do around the house, and I will be St. Louis for well over a week and a half.
I have a feeling Christmas will wipe me out this year. Luckily, I have found a few things that I have had for a while that were meant to give out as gifts that were never given. A little serendipity if you will. Shh, don't tell anyone ;)
Anyhow, I plan to spend my day cleaning happily, brainstorming for my writings, and helping Mom get the tree up and decorations hung. I do have to admit that I absolutely hate Xmas decorations and fixing up the tree, but if it will make my mother happy, well so be it.
I guess that means I have to wrap gifts sometime before I go as well, if my mother can bring them up later when she comes into STL for the holiday.
I am sad to say that I will not be getting a new laptop. I had hoped my step-dad could spring for a new one, and I could pay him back later, but I think we're just going to take it to Best Buy for an evaluation.
Of course I am blogging and writing more since I have been home secondary to the free time I have, but second to that is the fact that my PC still works at an excusable rate, and I don't get frustrated. Maybe there will be a little Christmas miracle where my laptop turns out like new....
Again, I wish you all a good holiday season. I have never been ready to go back to work so much in my life! I thought a month off would be the ticket to my sanity, but it's slowly crossing the bridge to the other direction of crazy town.
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