Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Waist Deep in the Bering Sea

I had quite the day today. I went out on my friends 4-wheeler down to the East beach near the mouth of the Nome River.
I collected beach glass, rocks, some shells and even a starfish. I got to spend some quality alone time. Just me, the sun, the sky, the ocean, the waves, the beach and sand and God.
I have been feeling kind of down lately since I have returned back to Nome. A little homesick and some other things. I feel like I have been out of the loop being here 5,000 miles away from home.
Then I guess at "where is home?"
St. Louis?
I have been doing the travel thing for 8 months now. The only place I feel I have been is back to Memphis and St.Louis.
I know now that it's time to leave Alaska. For good? No way. This place is way too magical to leave behind and not return. I became an adult here. I started paying people back what I owe. Paying debt. Getting focused on what is important.
So, I am walking along the beach collecting things, and I look up at the sky and have a long talk with God. I asked for some things. I also thanked him for many. I am happy for my family, my friends, this job, this experience.
I went for it.
The water from the ocean was kinda cold.
I went in deeper and deeper.
Finally I am waist deep. The water wasn't cold anymore. I stayed in for a good 5 minutes until I knew I had to get going and drop off the vehicle.
It felt cool to know that dipping inti the Bering Sea is something that most people I know back home haven't done. And rather yet, would never do.
Still waiting to go back home and finish business with work and home. Have some friends I need to see. I think I wasted too much time trying to spend it with some of the wrong people this past time. And for anyone who I spent a great deal of time with, I am happy I did! Don't read this the wrong way.
Homesickness will consume a person. It has to me. But after today I know I am slowly getting over it and will be able to move along these next 9 weeks.

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