Monday, June 18, 2007

answer me this...(originally posted in 10-06)

answer me this, my friends..... Current mood: loved Category: Friends
I have a burning question, courtesy of Chris Powers.Why is it, that when I haven't seen someone in a long time, that their first reaction is to smile, then chuckle for a nanosecond, open their arms (to hug), and then say "Sarah Fuckin' Swartz" as they wrap their arms around me?What's the "fuckin" have to do with it? Are you that shocked to see me?Are you shocked that I am in the same place as you?Is that just an exclaimation of love for me?I don't get it......Although.....I have to say, that when I do see you great kids, the amount of enthusiasm of contact is phenominal! I appreciate the love totally.Just looking for some input. Hoping that I was a sight for sore eyes, as you all are to me.Much love,
Sarah "Fuckin'" Swartz

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