Saturday, March 7, 2009

the sun is out!

And it's below zero degrees, and you know what that means????


Yes, I am excited that it's cold. We have been having blizzard and snow storm one after the other back to back over the passed few weeks, and us Nomeites are going nuts!

I am only concerned that my sister will have issues getting into town since flights have been getting cancelled due to weather. So everyone pray and cross your fingers!

I am off today, but have to work tomorrow through Tuesday, and then I have a solid week off for Iditarod festivities!

The Iditarod ceremonial start commenced today, and tomorrow the official start begins in Willow, Alaska. So that means in 8-10 days from tomorrow, the winner will mush to Nome and fun fun fun!!!!!

I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!

1 comment:

Marzsaetel said...

OH,How I wish I could have made it to the restart in Willow (did make it to the ceremonial start in downtown Anchorage before having to go to work)...maybe next year I can make it to the start & finish....better yet, maybe YOU can make it to the start in Willow, you know you have a free place to stay down here!